How to use eclipse for multiple languages
How to use eclipse for multiple languages

EGit: EGit is a plugin for Eclipse which allows you to interface with Git.The recommended version tested with this tutorial is Eclipse Mars 4.2, Eclipse IDE for Java Developer. Eclipse ( Download Eclipse): Download and install Eclipse (if not already installed).Additionally you will also need a GitHub account.

how to use eclipse for multiple languages

To get started you need the following software installed on your computer: Eclipse, and EGit. Commit changes to a file in the GitHub project from Eclipse.Clone/fork an existing project from GitHub and import it into Eclipse.

how to use eclipse for multiple languages

  • Set up and install Eclipse with EGit, and get a GitHub account.
  • (The tutorial was originally created on GitHub and hosted here.) Eclipse is heavily used to program in Java, as well as in other languages like C++, and even Python (via PyDev). This tutorial in the context of the Reproducible Research Workshop provides you with the first steps on how to use Git with the Eclipse IDE.

    How to use eclipse for multiple languages